Sunday, 12 January 2014

How to get the most out of Tarot & Beyond...

Have a look around the blog, via the tabs, and comment on the posts that you have a thought or opinion on.

Saturday, 11 January 2014


Welcome to my new tarot blog, Tarot & Beyond.

I have been studying and collecting tarot for about 10 years now, and still feel that I am very much a learner, hence I have started this blog to encourage discussion about my favourite pastime.

On this blog I hope to have information, meanings, images and more flow through, to expand our knowledge about tarot, different decks, card meanings, rituals, crystals, numerology, zodiac and more.

As time goes by, I will change the layout of my blog to better accommodate all of the information I hope to accumulate, but in the interim, please enjoy the information as it is, and feel free to pass on any ideas that you may have.

Please feel free to email me at

Please be aware that I will only post relevant information on this blog and will only post that which I deem relevant.  I do not wish to misinform or mislead on my blog and I do not intend to offend.  Any information made available is exactly that, information only, and is the opinion only of myself or others who wish to add content.  Any posts that are published that I, or any readers, feel are irrelevant or offensive in any way will be removed.  Once published on this blog, some or all of the posts become the property of Tarot and Beyond, and may be republished at a later date.